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TOP 30 again

Same event. Another competition.

As the VUNK Garage48 Hackathon was a Eesti Telekom project adding value to telekom sector it was hard to compete with teams using SIM cards or payment solutions provided by telekom itself. I didn´t mention in my previous posts that the 7 finalists competed during their stay in Startup Wise Guys pre-accelerator to get the next paid month in the same accelerator with mentoring from telekom people. Yes, we were not choosen amongst those two.

But as in every year Ajujaht, an Enterprice Estonia project promoting enterpreneurship, chooses someone from Garage48 events directly to Ajujaht TOP30, they didn´t this year . At least they didn´t do it at the end of the hackathon. The teams where strong and we where all been given the chance to improve ourselves further.

So we got the third prize, or the first when we mean that we where the first Ajujaht TOP30 team this year. Another program, another sprint.


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